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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets (FY)
Consolidated Balance Sheets (FY) (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss (FY)
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (FY)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (FY)
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Q3)
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Q3) (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss (Q3)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Q3)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Q3)
Notes to Financial Statements
Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies (FY)
Revenue Recognition (FY)
Property, Plant and Equipment (FY)
Stockholders' Equity (FY)
Stock-Based Compensation (FY)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (FY)
Income Taxes (FY)
Operating Leases (FY)
Finance Lease Liability (FY)
Commitments and Contingencies (FY)
Related Party Transactions (FY)
Segment and Geographic Information (FY)
Revision and Immaterial Correction of an Error in Previously Issued Financial Statements (FY)
Subsequent Events (FY)
Nature of Business and Basis of Presentation (Q3)
Revenue Recognition (Q3)
Stockholders' Equity (Q3)
Stock-Based Compensation (Q3)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Q3)
Income Taxes (Q3)
Operating Leases (Q3)
Finance Lease Liability (Q3)
Commitments and Contingencies (Q3)
Subsequent Events (Q3)
Accounting Policies
Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies (FY) (Policies)
Nature of Business and Basis of Presentation (Q3) (Policies)
Notes Tables
Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies (FY) (Tables)
Property, Plant and Equipment (FY) (Tables)
Stock-Based Compensation (FY) (Tables)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (FY) (Tables)
Income Taxes (FY) (Tables)
Operating Leases (FY) (Tables)
Revision and Immaterial Correction of an Error in Previously Issued Financial Statements (FY) (Tables)
Nature of Business and Basis of Presentation (Q3) (Tables)
Stock-Based Compensation (Q3) (Tables)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Q3) (Tables)
Notes Details
Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies, Going Concern, Accounts Receivable and Inventories (FY) (Details)
Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies, Property, Plant and Equipment and Revenue Recognition (FY) (Details)
Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies, Loss Per Share (FY) (Details)
Revenue Recognition (FY) (Details)
Property, Plant and Equipment (FY) (Details)
Stockholders' Equity (FY) (Details)
Stock-Based Compensation, Stock Options (FY) (Details)
Stock-Based Compensation, Warrants (FY) (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Available-for-Sale Marketable Securities Measured at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (FY) (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Roll-Forward of Fair Value of Level 3 Warrants (FY) (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Fair Values Assumptions (FY) (Details)
Income Taxes, Domestic and Foreign Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes (FY) (Details)
Income Taxes, Components of Income Tax Expense (FY) (Details)
Income Taxes, Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation (FY) (Details)
Income Taxes, Deferred Taxes and Other Information (FY) (Details)
Operating Leases (FY) (Details)
Finance Lease Liability (FY) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (FY) (Details)
Related Party Transactions (FY) (Details)
Segment and Geographic Information (FY) (Details)
Revision and Immaterial Correction of an Error in Previously Issued Financial Statements (FY) (Details)
Subsequent Events (FY) (Details)
Nature of Business and Basis of Presentation, Nature of Business, Going Concern, Accounts Receivable and Inventories (Q3) (Details)
Nature of Business and Basis of Presentation, Loss Per Share (Q3) (Details)
Revenue Recognition (Q3) (Details)
Stockholders' Equity (Q3) (Details)
Stock-Based Compensation (Q3) (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Available-for-Sale Marketable Securities Measured at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Q3) (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Roll-Forward of Fair Value of Level 3 Warrants (Q3) (Details)
Operating Leases (Q3) (Details)
Finance Lease Liability (Q3) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Q3) (Details)
Subsequent Events (Q3) (Details)
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